How To Brag (Without Sounding Like It)

branding megan perry networking professional development Sep 28, 2020

By: Megan Perry, Career Coach & Communications Strategist, Founder of Megan Perry Consulting

Far too often I meet brilliant, career-driven professionals that are on top of their game and crushing it in their respective field of work, but they struggle with communicating just how fierce and fabulous they are.

How can you expect someone to invest in something you won’t show off?!  

It's time to learn the art of bragging.

The key to bragging (without sounding like it) is to shift your focus from the laundry list of things you've done to the impact you've had and what unique strengths you bring to the table. In other words, focus on communicating your Added Value.

This is how it's done...


You are communicating added value if you are describing how you:

  1. Developed a creative or innovative solution. (Translation - you are someone that can create or discover something new).
  2. Increased revenue or reduced costs. (Translation - you help drive revenue or reduce costs).
  3. Possess exceptional leadership dynamics. (Translation - you have an exceptional ability to manage key stakeholders and build relationships that drive business).

If your conversation isn't focused on at least one of these elements you are likely off base and should shift your focus.


When summarizing your relevant professional work experience don't just settle for telling them where you worked or listing your title. Use active verbs that more specifically describe what you led, changed, managed, or developed.


Whether your impact was qualitative or quantitative, do your best to provide context by quantifying your influence. If you work in a field in which numbers matter, make a point to summarize how many dollars were saved or generated, or what percentage change resulted from your work. If your work is more qualitative, focus on quantifying how the dynamics shifted as a result of your influence.


"I really enjoyed my time working at Amazon as the Senior Marketing Manager where I developed a new CRM to help us better understand the buying behavior of millennial women which has driven an additional $60 million in revenue this quarter and really energized our team. "

Telling your story articulately can help you reach the next level in your career. When you focus on communicating your added value, you can better convey your impact and gain much deserved recognition for your work. 


Hear more from Megan during next week’s 60-minute masterclass, Crafting Your Elevator Pitch. Register today and join us on October 8th!